The school management has a key role to play in the running of a school and they need tools to ease their workload. From ensuring teachers work smart to managing a large number of students, there are many tasks that need their attention. The interface isdesigned in such a way that the management team provides the right input and carries out the required changes in time. Here aresome of the ways in which the management can benefit from the platform:


Customizable dashboard displaying an overall summary of your school, teachers and students


One calendar to create holiday plans, events, announcements, set reminders and appointments

Progress reports

Track the progress of school, teachers and students with school wise, grade-wise and student wise reports.

Profile builder

Build profiles and onboard the entire school on one single platform.


Stay updated and keep track of your work with smart notifications.

Workload indicator

View and manage the workload of teachers and students to improve the efficiency of teaching and learning in the school.

Curriculum planner

Plan the entire year’s curriculum with just a few clicks.

Progress reports

360° report - Get a 360° report of every student which not only evaluates scores but also maps 21st-century skills and competencies.

Timetable builder

Intuitive timetable builder that organises the working schedule of the entire teaching staff including substitutions.

Students are the future of the nation. The more they gain knowledge, the better their changes are to achieving their dreams. However, scholastic life for them can be a challenge. Plus, no two students are the same. Which is why, the interface is dexterously createdwhich takes care of all this and makes grasping and understanding of concepts easier for students. Here are some of the ways in which students can nbenefit.


A dashboard displaying overall summary of your proress, upcomimg tasks, pending tasks and reminders.

Personal library

Access exhaustive content assigned by your teaachers.

Live classes

Join live class and get access to virtual resources.

Appointment based doubt solvingi

Take an appointment and ask doubts to your teachers


One calendar to view the timetable, upcomimg tasks, events, and appointments.

Progress reports

Customised progress reports help keep track of current status and progress.


Stay upated and keep track of your work with smart notifications.

Teachers are the backbone of the education system. With unique set of responsibilities and deliverables for unique set of students. Which is why, every task that they carry out has been considered, and a thoughtful provision has been made for the same. Teacherswill have a pleasant time teaching their subjects, evaluating the students, tracking their progress, and giving feedback. Here are someof the ways in which teachers will benefit from the platform.

Lesson planner

Build a lesson plan either by selecting preloaded lesson plans or design yourown customised lesson plans.

Content builder

Create interactive videos, interactive timelines and flashcards with virtual studio.

TopSchool library

Access exhaustive digital content for CBSE which includes 2D, 3D animation, videos, simulations and much more from TopSchool.

Personal library

Upload, store, share and bookmark content in your own personal resource library.


One calendar to view the timetable, tasks, events, set reminders and appointments.

Live class + tools

Conduct an online class with a virtual whiteboard to enhance the virtual classroom experience.

TopSchool question bank

Easy access to AI-generated papers and questionnaires from TopSchool question bank for better assessment.

360° report

Get a 360° report of every student which not only evaluates scores but also maps 21st-century skills and competencies.


CBSE pattern grade book to generate instant reports and view student progress.


A dashboard displaying the overall summary of progress, upcoming tasks, pending tasks and reminders.

Workload indicator

Keep track of own and students workload with the help of workload indicator.


Stay updated and keep track of your work with smart notifications.

A futuristic product prepared for young prodigies to experience the essential elements in real-time.